Wednesday, August 13, 2008

SpaceX conducts successful static launch of Falcon 9 rocket

SpaceX conducts successful static launch of Falcon 9 rocket

Filed under: Transportation Remember Space Exploration Technologies Corp, otherwise known as SpaceX? You know, the private space transport company started by PayPal founder Elon Musk that won the NASA Commercial Comercial Orbital Transportation Services competition for its Falcon rocket? Last we heard from SpaceX it had lost Falcon 1 during a pop q dell video cards modern gizmos vista gadgets vista tech reviews networking gizmo project gizmo toys mp3 gadgets newest gadgets nvidia new techno

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Software Updates & New Release Highlights For Week Ending2007-07-19

JumpBox for Ruby on Rails Deployment - 0.9.1 - While the Mac is an awesome platform for web development, it is sometimes useful to use it for the creative & editing side and deploy in a more production-like environment or just deploy in a sandbox. By pre-configuring (in a virtual machine) Apache, MySQL and Ruby on Rails on a soli forum latest gizmos camera tv technology leopard geek gizmo reviews tech products modern technology video games fast computers free processors gizmos iphone a

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